Do you love to visit floral exhibition?
How do you feel during your visit?
If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.
By Buddha
There are many types of flowers, contain of many colors, many different shapes, some blossom beautifully, different fragrance… Even though so much differences, there can live together well and also harmony, moreover there can enhance the beauty of each other.
There are a lot good learning point…
1. We must adapt and also accept each others. However, some of us, we can’t tolerate each others, we are so focus on others shortcoming. Some, might even be judgmental and differentiate people based on race, religion, skin color, wealth, education level, wealth….
Why can’t we live harmony and peace with each others? We are living in this beautiful earth, we inhale the same air, drink the same water and our blood is RED too.
2. You can smell the fragrance of flowers even though you keep some distance.
How wonderful if we can share our kind virtues with our surrounding.
“The perfume of sandalwood travels only as far as the wind. But the fragrance of goodness travels with us, through all the worlds.”
by Buddha
Let work hand in hand, to help each others, to make this world a beautiful place for you & me.
Let the fragrance of goodness of you and me travel all the worlds.
Light up the world with love, kindness and compassion!